My feedback after Phase 4 of The Graph Curator program
Hi, Graph team!
Curator program turned out to be a great idea. At first I thought it is scary to trust the amateurs. But you have disciplined this ragtag company of “crypto enthusiasts” into one team — they are still discussing how to stay in touch after completing the Phase 4.
So the points in order:
The Graph community management — Discord and telegram admins are doing the good job. I have an awful experience in other projects, when you can’t receive an answer for days. Thoughts about changing such project immediately emerge. The Graph provides an exquisite service even in every little aspect. Every question is fully answered, thanks for giving such level of attention for your community.
Everest — one insignificant comment only — many projects copy each other, I mean because they based on one source. But I think your “self-cleaning” system of challenging will solve that soon. If it so — everything is thought over, great job. We’ll see. If not — the way I see is to continue the work with the curators to introduce proper order in it.
Subgraph documentation — is perfectly organized, but there are a lot of points where developer can stumble, especially inexperienced one. While deploying the dozens of subgraphs curators have met a lot of different errors, using inappropriate OS for instance. It would be nice to show the whole path of creating a subgraph including some common errors too. As I could see in our telegram channel many of curators stopped the deploying because they stuck on some irresolvable step.
There are several tutorials created, some of them lead to errors, some of them imply using Linux instead of Windows. It would be very useful to edit all the tutorials and reduce them to a single tutorial which would cover all the aspects.
Graph Explorer — during the phase 2 the main difficulty was evaluating the subgraphs without GitHub link mentioned. I have already specified in the Phase 2 completion form that Github link should become a mandatory condition while deploying the subgraph. Not too hard to fulfill for new developers, but it will impose an order in our chaotic universe — a lot of questions are answered by just viewing the code.
Your Github — is outstanding, everything is in the box. Your developers wrote tons of code for new users, good example for other projects.
I don’t want to sound fawning, but I can admit: I’ve never seen so perfectly organized project in crypto industry. Your team literally does not sleep at all I think. Every part of The Graph ecosystem is perfectly considered and implemented.